
Sweets in America 3

Shuji Yoshida
       In this page, I would like to talk about Christmas' sweets. There are a lot of sweets in Christmas. So I examined it.
       There were many sweets in Christmas celebrated all over the world now as well as the Christianity zone. Of course U.S.A. is no exception, too. This is because there are many Christians because U.S.A. is a nation built by a European emigrant originally. As for the sweets, various types of things form a line in the store not to mention cakes. Above all, it is a gingerbread cookie that I paid attention. In japan, there may not be friendly feeling because I do not consider it only by the name. However, all of you will know "cookie man". It is a gingerbread cookie to become the model! In America, it seems to be made well in each family on Christmas. It is very delicious.
       To sum up with my talk, American sweets were famed and were affected by various areas of the worth. Besides, the American sweets had many things which had an influence on the world.

Sweets in America 2

Shuji Yoshida

The American cake has many things which came from the Europe. Speaking of a cake on behalf of U.S.A., it is "ice cream" and a "doughnut" in that. U.S.A. is a world's best ice cream consumer. 2L sees the scene eating a certain a large quantity of ice cream when I watch an American home drama in the evidence. Gerard born in Italy has the model of the ice cream. In the case of marriage with Catherine from the Italy Medicis, it reached France with French Henry II who received this Gerard in 1533 and opened in the European whole land. Cake craftsman Francois professional co-op was Paris and sold something like whip cream and current ice cream using the egg in the 17th century.

And the sweet came from the Europe to New World U.S.A. It was a high-quality article very much in those days because I took effort for ice cream production. However, unprecedented ice cream such as the ice cream with a thing and the stick which it developed as industry explosively, and coated chocolate came to be put on sale when a machine to easily make ice cream for was invented. In fact, the word used "ice cream" was a thing born in U.S.A. today. Speaking of a cake on behalf of U.S.A., there is a doughnut. However, in U.S.A., I do not eat the doughnut as a snack and often eat for breakfast as staple food. Particularly, "Krispy Kreme Doughnuts" which went into Japan is popular recently because I can buy the thing of the fresh one early in the morning. In the first place it is said to be the Netherlands in the about 17th century to have had the models of the doughnut. This is the friedcake which a walnut was put on midmost. This was told to New World U.S.A. by an emigrant from the Netherlands. By the way, the hole did not yet become vacant on a doughnut midmost at this time.

There are various opinions about the hole of the middle of the doughnut, but does not understand it clearly which is right. There are various cakes and sweets in U.S.A. elsewhere every season. There are many things which came from the Europe formerly, but I am affected by the multiracial nation after time of 200 years, and I want to surely examine other sweets which grew up in unique culture.

Sweets in America 1

Shuji Yoshida

   1. Sweets in America1
   2. Sweets in America2
   3. Sweets in America3


There are many sweets in the world. And we decide on learning world sweet culture. Much food culture is all over the world. Why do we choice sweet? It is because sweets charmed people by every time and we think that sweet culture is important as the same to other food culture.

I investigated American sweets in this time theme. Compared with Europe or Asia, American history is very short. However, the sweets culture which was subject to many influences of Europe has influence of a multi-ethnic nation, and is various nowadays. The sweets of Halloween, the sweets of Christmas and so on are very delicious seasons in case of the present time. Since the United States is the state which immigrations of Europe built, Christianity is very prosperous in it. So a lot of sweets about the event of Christianity exist. For example, the sweets using ginger syrup are famous.

As compared with the countries in the world, the history of 200 years is very short. However, I hope I get to know more things about the sweets culture during I investigate the unique and multi-ethnic nation, and can know the new figure of the United States from this investigation.


sweets in Netherland

Sweets in Netherlands


 In this part, I’d like to talk about Oliebollen.

Oliebollen is traditional New-Year's-Eve sweets eaten in the Netherlands at an end of the year and a model for doughnut. During staying at Netherlands from 1607 to 1620, the Puritan who persecuted in Britain learned how to cook.

And, the model for the doughnut got across to New England with the Pilgrim fathers' colonization. Then, it was carried into the United States from Europe by the Netherlands immigration again, and it got across also to the Netherlands territory.
Secondly, I’m going to describe “Beschuit met muisjes”.
It is said that sweets called "Beschuit met muisjes" will be eaten in the Netherlands if a baby is born. People seem to sprinkle the sweets of a grain called muisjes on a rusk called Beschuit and eat.
If a girl is born, pink muisjes will be sprinkled. On the other hand, if a boy is
born, blue muisjes will be sprinkled. 
The name of it seems to mean a biscuit with a rat because a rat is productive. The same customs are taken in Germany.

Thirdly, I’m going to inform you of “Speculaas”
In the Netherlands, it is Cookie which is indispensable to St, Nicolas-day on December 6. Spices, such as a cinnamon, a clove, and a ginger are included, a little harder tough is characteristic of this cookie. Since St, Nicholas Bishop gave money and goods to people who are in poverty, he is called Santa Claus's originator. The children of the Netherlands are looking forward to the present given on the previous night of St, Nicolas-day. Speculaas has not only the forms of a square and a circle but also that of a Saint and a church at Christmas.

sweets in Germany

Sweet in Germany


 I’ m going to describe sweets in Germany.

Many German sweets imply the respect to nature and familiarity of Germans.  In Germany, there are many sweets made from sponge and wherever sweets are cut from, it is characteristic that a cut end is a geometric design.  For example, Baumkuchen, Schwarzwalder, Kirschtorte and so on.

Firstly, I’d like to talk about Baumkuchen.

Since annual rings are the symbols of a long life or prosperity, in Japan, Baumkuchen plays an active part in good fortune events, such as being presented as a present of a marriage ceremony. This means “Sweets of tree” in German.

Baumkuchen is said that “king of sweets”. The history is very old and it’s said that Greeks have already eaten it.

Though Baumkuchen is familiar with Japan, in Germany, since advanced technology, time and effort are needed for making, it is used for presents as "high-class sweets.
Secondly, I’m going to inform you about chocolate in Germany.
In German, the quantity of production of chocolate (730,000t), the quantity of import (216,000t),the quantity of export(275,000t), the amount of home consumption (671,000t), and these all are the second biggest amount of chocolate in the world . A per amount of consumption also is 8.2 kg in every year and goes into a higher rank along with Switzerland, Ireland. The amount of consumption of Germany is 4 times as big as that  of Japan.  

Thirdly, I‘d like to talk about Weckmann.
Weckmann is always in the bag which is distributed to children at the Martin festival.
This is often seen at the baker's shop at the time of Christmas. Where did the name of Weckmann come from? In South Germany, the white bread using wheat was called Wecken. Weckmann means Wecken and Man. That is, it meant the bread baked by the form of people.
 Weckmann is the bread eaten at the time of the festival of Christianity, and the doll of this bread expresses the bishop.
Speaking of the sweets eaten in Germany at the season of Christmas, "Stollen" including much dried fruit, such as a raisin is famous. This Stollen which is indispensable to Christmas of Germany is commonly began to burn around November and to cut little by little and to eat by Christmas


sweets in Austria

Sweets in Austria


In this page, I’d like to talk about Sweets in Austria. Firstly, I’m going to inform you of the way to spread sweets in Austria.

Distinguished family, Habsburg family repeated marriage, built the edge with a foreign country and extended the territory. So, the food culture of each country got across to Vienna, the capital of Austria. Pastry chef of Vienna took in the material and technology of each country and changed them into sweets with dignity.

And, it is said that people in Habsburg family who like sweets, for example, an empress, Maria Theresia, the youngest daughter, Marie-Antoinette and last emperor, Franz Joseph and so on contributed to development of the Vienna sweets.

Moreover, It is at the time of the Congress of Vienna held in 1814~1815 when the Vienna sweets becomes the present form.
In order to improve discipline of the French Revolution and Europe after Napoleonic Wars, the war participating nation's politicians and important persons gathered in Vienna. However the opinion of each country collided at this meeting and an argument did not make progress easily. On the other hand, the ball, the concert, and the feast were opened almost every day. Then, various graceful sweets were invented in order to entertain the guest from each country.
 Secondly, I’m going to inform you of “Kipfel”.
It is the bread and Cookie which carried out crescentshaped and was invented in Vienna. Then, as a proof of the victory which ruled Turkey, it was made as the motif of crescent indicated on the Turkey national flag.

Then, “Kipfel” of bread became the original type of croissant. It is also the original type of the swirl bread, "Danish pastry" representing Denmark.
“Kipfel” of cookie is a snack of the Christmas transmitted from old times in Austria. And,Kipfel” means “The form of horse's hoofs”.
Finally, I’d like to talk about custom of Austrian people.
People who live in Vienna have the custom of taking the time of the snack called "yaoze" in the afternoon. People who live in Vienna have the custom of taking the time of the snack called "yaoze" in the afternoon. it means the time when people enjoy coffee and sweets. The time is about at 4:00 p.m. when this time zone comes, everyone stop working and visit a cafe house for "yaoze".
Moreover, although it is said that the Turkish coffee in which the defeated Turkey army left is the origin of the coffee of Vienna, the coffee made from the natural water of the Alps is special taste.
In present-day Austria, on the whole, lightly sweetened sweets are increasing because now, it is not the period when sugar expresses wealth as ancient times and the number of those who care about health is increasing.
Moreover, under the influence of the sweets in France, the sweets made with soft tone and fruits have appeared.

sweets in Greece

Sweets in Greece


I’d like to talk about Greek sweets. Firstly, “cheesecake” is popular among people. Of course, cheese is essential for cheesecake. Then, how cheese was made?

It was said that Arabic nomadic tribe had made cheese before generation of ancient Greece. Arabic nomadic tribe act with sheep’s stomach put milk of animal. But, when they tried to drink it, a lump of white material and transparent water came out from sheep’s stomach.  This lump of white material was cheese. Then, by enzyme included stomach and swing of stomach in moving, milk was made into cheese. In this way, it spread all over the world and especially in ancient Greece. Right then, what is a model of cheese cake?

It is “toriyon” which is popular foods among ancient Greeks. toriyon” seemed to be kind of custard pudding.  Afterward, various kinds of sweets made of cheese came to be cooked all over the world through spread of cheese. In Japan, “So” which was equal to cheese was made. But, “So” didn’t develop because it didn’t suit people’s taste in those days. However, During the Meiji era when Western things entered at a burst, people positively started to take in cheese. During the Showa era, refrigerator was exploited and sweets which can’t keep long spread. For example, cake with fresh cream. Moreover, “cottage cheese” and “cream cheese” appeared and “rare cheesecake” came to gather attention.

Then, media picked up sweets made of cheese all together. As a result, cheesecake became one of major sweets. Now, a wide variety of cheesecakes are enjoyed. For example, “baked cheesecake”, “rare cheesecake” and “souffle cheesecake”. Which type of cheesecake do you like?
Secondly, Greece is famous for “waffle”. Origin of waffle dates back Greece in the eighteen century. “uburi” which is one of the oldest sweets of all. It was printed uneven pattern on and baked. And it became “waffle”. It is sweets which enjoyed by common people as with “crepe”. So, the stand outside seemed to sell “waffle” at the festival of village.
There’re the unique ways to cook “waffle” depending on each regions. For example, “Belgium waffle”, ”American waffle” and ”Japanese waffle”

Finally, history of wedding cake is very old and “wedding cake” in ancient Greece was made of small and solid biscuit made from wheat which is major food for people living.
Greeks seemed to crush up a piece of biscuit and scattered them on bridal head in order to hope for bridal pregnancy.

Sweets in England

                                                         Sweets in England


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience. The subject of my part is 5 parts.

Firstly, sweets in England. Secondly, sweets in . Thirdly, sweets in. Fourthly, sweets in. Finally, sweets in.

Firstly, I'd like to talk about sweets in England.

There’re many simple sweets, for example, “biscuit”, “scorn” and “pudding” in England. “Pudding” is made of ingredients available immediately and “trifle” is recycled from sponge which became solid. Moreover, the technique that Britain stock seasonal fruits as preserved food and eat them through a year has come down on Britain for a long time. The representative food is “jam”. From these points, we can see British people have intended to treasure foods.


 I’d like to inform you of each representative sweet. Firstly, I’d like to talk about “short bread”. “Short bread” means crumby bread. In Scotland, there’re custom that people knocked short bread against bridal head and celebrate wedding. “Short bread” seems to be used because it is easy to break. In Japan, There’re nutritional supplement which referred to “short bread”.

Secondly, “Pudding” was not sweet food but the food which is flavored with salt and spice and cooked by steaming. British mothers who have trouble dealing with bread crumb seemed to think it wasteful to throw it.  As a result, they came up with “pudding”. And, “pudding” is used as preserved food during sailing because it can be preserved for a year. The Britain is said to be Realist. So, they value “substantial, healthful and reasonable” on home cooking too. That’s to say, “Pudding” might be symbol of British people’s nationality.

 Thirdly, I’d like to talk about scorn. ”scorn” is born in Scotland religion. At first, it was a kind of biscuit. But, it came to approach the present form because baking powder and oven spread in the mid-nineteen century.  A name of scorn is named after “The Stone of Scone” which is placed at Scotland palace because it looks like foundation of chair which is used at ceremony of a king.  So, now, the form of scorn is baked as it is associated with the stone of scorn palace. Then, it’s said that it’s good manners that they eat scorn without using knives but cutting it with hand because the form of scorn is holy.

Surprisingly, custom that woman gives man chocolate on St. Valentine's Day was started by Cadbury company which is Britain chocolate company in nineteen century.

Finally, I’d like to talk about “Afternoon tea”.  “Afternoon tea” was social space. At the same time,it was the place where people eat a snack in order to full their stomach because theater party and opera appreciation was taken place and the time of dinner was over 21 o’clock.

sweet blog about Japan

World sweets


Mikinobu Suzuki


I want to talk about Japanese sweets in this time. At first I talk about a steamed bun. The steamed bun has a kind innumerably in the all over Japan and is a cake most suitable for tea cake. The steamed bun adds sake lees or baking powder to wheat flour and kneads it and is the cake which I wrap bean jam, and it is sultry and gave. In addition, it was told a studying abroad monk from China for last years of the Kamakura era.

Great writer, Ougai Mori on behalf of Japan is great sweet curiosity and is said to be it when I ate "steamed bun boiled rice in tea" I ride a steamed bun on rice, and to put green tea in willingly.

What is said about the origin of the name of the steamed bun is because man cane and the sound that is a Chinese steamed bun are the same. The tempura of the steamed bun is native district cake of Fukushima. Because I offered it in the Buddhist altar and fried the steamed bun which had become hard in oil and softened it.

Secondly, I talk about a Daifuku. I made rice cake with powder of the ureic rice, and I wrapped up salty bean paste. Daifuku is "the quail rice cake" which I rounded originally changed into ovoid. It was called "a round bean-jam bun rice cake" (Harabutomoti) and was eaten as a substitute for lunch. In addition, the opinion has that people offered the first rice which   people harvested to the age to God. Current Daifuku does not remain only to bean jam, and there are various kinds that were able to checkmate cream or fruit. I like old Daifuku, but, if anything, like current Daifuku.

The bean paste rice-cake wrapped in a cherry leaf varies in some leather states by an area. The skin of the Kanto wind is like the crepe, but the Kansai wind wraps bean jam in the skin of grains rice cake rice cake.

Daifuku was called "a round bean-jam bun (Harabuto) rice cake" and "a large stomach (Daifuku) rice cake" in old days, but changed to "rice cake stuffed with sweetened bean jam" using a good luck character.

Thirdly, I would like to talk about a Yokan. The yokan originally came from China as meat dishes, but I substitute it with a potato and an adzuki bean without using animal materials from teaching of the Buddhism in Japan and am said to be it when the present yokan was born.

Of "kneading on firewoman" , the adzuki bean which added sugar , agar to bean jam , and drained it, and hardened go , and mix powder , wheat flour , sugar , and enter , and there are “steamed adzuki-bean jelly “which work it out , and steamed , three kinds of "the sweet jellied bean paste “which work it out , and increasedwaterinmaterialsalmostsame asyokan .

It is the cake which Sandoz made yokan with the sponge cake which I cut in a triangular shape. It was raging from the Taisho era through the Showa era.

Fourthly, I would like to talk about a dango. I knead powder of the uretic rice with water, and it is sultry and is the cake which I boil it and rounded.

Because four are common as for the number to prick the bamboo skewer with, and it was possible for a coin of four thousandths of a can as for this for Meiwa period of the Edo era, it depends on what four sentences generalized with one four. The seasoning of the dumpling has adzuki bean, soy sauce, powder, states including the sesame. I am big with the Japanese manners and customs, and a dumpling, the dumpling of the memorial service for the Buddha's birthday of April 8, the dumpling including the dumplings offered to the moon of the night with a full moon are related in spring on the autumn equinoctial week.

  There is the green dumpling which I mixed the dumpling which I dyed into pink, a white dumpling, a moonwort with to one skewer with the flower viewing dumpling.

  Opinion and Dan to come from "DANKI" of the Tang cake have an opinion to come from "DANKI" in a meaning "collecting".

  Fifthly, I would like to talk about a Monika. When there is "autumn bean-jam-filled wafers or a song kicking in an evening in now when I watch Gosenwakashu if a number falls in conventionally composed haiku to shine in the aspect of the pond", and this held a party of the viewing the moon in the Imperial Court, it is the song which I composed on a round rice cake started as a cake resembling "the moon (full moon) in the middle". Water is small amount, and a lot of sugar enters, and it features the bean jam of bean-jam-filled wafers that gloss and tenacity are strong. This is for a laborer preventing leather from getting damp.

  As well as a circle, there are various shapes now. It is got close as a mascot in the middle when the sea bream was.

  Because a shape resembles "the moon (full moon) in the middle", I come.

Sixth, I would like to talk about a kasutera. The sponge cake was told to Nagasaki at the time at the end of the Muromachi era by a Portuguese propagator. Because the beginning did not have an oven, I pour the cloth which I mix an egg, wheat flour, sugar and made into a rectangular model and am said to be it when I bake it by fire of the charcoal from the top and the bottom and finished it. The opinion that it is Nobunaga Oda to have eaten sponge cake is famous first in Japan, but does not still understand a lie or the truth.

  As for the sponge cake, development was pushed forward, and "the Nagasaki sponge cake" which I added starch syrup to cloth and baked beautifully with moisture was born, and it was with the cake of the Japan original. There is sponge cake to make at the rate of egg white 3 for egg yolk 5 called "53 firing" in the Nagasaki sponge cake. It takes time more maturational than common sponge cake, and this how to make is done with high-quality sponge cake.

  Sponge cake which I gave white of the banana flavor burnt in the form of the banana. It is the sweets which are got close to rather than sponge cake from the old days when it is almost a steamed bun when I say either.

  Because the Nagasaki sponge cake uses starch syrup, granulated sugar sticks to quiet resistance to the teeth, one side with the burnt mark. However, the Tokyo sponge cake does not use starch syrup and is sponge cake of the frank taste. Granulated sugar does not stick to one side with the burnt mark. As for the bell sponge cake, sugar is coated by round sponge cake and is the cake which the good old feeling makes. A similar thing all has spherical baby sponge cake with light brown. Kasudosu are cakes of high quality of Hirado-shi, Nagasaki. I soak sponge cake of 2 centimeters of thickness degree into an egg yolk and fry it with syrup of the boiling sugar and am the sweets which coated granulated sugar. As for the origin of the name of kasudosu, as for "sponge cake", "kasudosu" come from the meaning to "be sugared" in Portuguese.

  I intend to talk about butter candy to the seventh. Butter candy is candy made with butter. It is informed that it was born in Yakumo-cho that is a town of the origin of the Hokkaido dairy farming.

  I intend to talk about a Nanbu rice cracker to the eighth. The Nanbu rice cracker dissolved salt and put sodium bicarbonate in water and mixed wheat flour with and entered the circular model and baked it. The taste has sesame, a walnut, various kinds including the peanut.

  Yubeshi is a classic cake born for the competition between two teams era. In addition, with the thing which the Yubeshi mixed glutinous rice, sugar with the peel of citron and steamed, I added a walnut.

  After waking you up steamed cereals, and having dried thunder, I mixed sesame and a bean, starch syrup with the thing which I parched and could enter and covered it with sugar. The thing which waking you up works out rice, starch syrup, sugar and makes of Tokyo is common. Waking you up is Tokyo and is sold thunder basically. The Kurikinton steamed a chestnut and strained it and added sugar and squeezed it to food formed by wrapping and twisting of the tea cloth into a bag shape. It is the cake of the production center of the chestnut including Nagano and Gifu.

  "It is a medicine" when I write the Uiro in a kanji in a rice cake. Because an appearance resembled square tongue limit medicine called "the medicine medicine", I came to be called "Uiro".

  Yatuhashi is a triangular shape. In addition, cinnamon is included in it and is popular for the resistance to the teeth such as the rice cake.

  The millet dumpling mixed powder of the glutinous rice with the powder of the millet and made it. "Even Momotaro" of the old tale is famous.

  A maple steamed bun is a steamed bun clogged up of the bean jam in sponge cake-like skin; of colored leaves is. Because Hiroshima, Miya-jima Island was famous for colored leaves, it became the cake of high quality.

  Cake from European countries maruboro is the circle umbrella form which it mixed wheat flour, an egg, and sugar and baked from the both sides.

  Thinsuko is the cake which it mix sugar, lard steaming sponge cake of the Sinicism is said to be the origin.
