
Sweets in Oceania.2

Hello everyone.
My name is Yurika Nakajima.

Then this time, I will write especially about New Zealand’s.
Do you know what sweets are there in New Zealand? In New Zealand, there are two sweets which are especially famous.
First one is hokey pokey which I wrote about at last introduction.
 Hokey pokey is flavor of ice cream which tastes like caramel. That was sold after the civil war.
 It was best hit. But it price was too high for people in that generation to buy. It didn’t balance with that’s quantity.
So people said quackery.
Then the word “hokey pokey” is used for meaning of fake and lump of penny now. But that is most popular taste in New Zealand now.
And it is basic taste of New Zealand’s ice cream.
Another one is pavlova. That is a kind of cake. It is popular in Japan too.
 So in Japan, “bills” which locates in a red brick shed sells that. Pavlova is a name of Russian ballerina.
She is a first ballerina who makes public performance all over the world. When she visited New Zealand first time, it was made to commemorate that.
 It is the most popular food as home cooking in New Zealand. Because that’s recipe is very easy.
 We can make them only we top fruit on meringue. That needs a little material. So quality of them is very important.
We can’t feel good taste if many time is gone over after that was made.
In New Zealand mass part of New Zealander top with kiwi fruits on pavlova. Because New Zealand is known for the country which exports the most value of kiwifruit.
So kiwifruits is the most familiar fruits in New Zealand.
 There was an argument that pavlova was created in Australia. But there was a historical material about the visiting of Ms. Pavlova.
So it was proved that pavlova was created in New Zealand at first.

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