
Sweets in England

                                                         Sweets in England


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience. The subject of my part is 5 parts.

Firstly, sweets in England. Secondly, sweets in . Thirdly, sweets in. Fourthly, sweets in. Finally, sweets in.

Firstly, I'd like to talk about sweets in England.

There’re many simple sweets, for example, “biscuit”, “scorn” and “pudding” in England. “Pudding” is made of ingredients available immediately and “trifle” is recycled from sponge which became solid. Moreover, the technique that Britain stock seasonal fruits as preserved food and eat them through a year has come down on Britain for a long time. The representative food is “jam”. From these points, we can see British people have intended to treasure foods.


 I’d like to inform you of each representative sweet. Firstly, I’d like to talk about “short bread”. “Short bread” means crumby bread. In Scotland, there’re custom that people knocked short bread against bridal head and celebrate wedding. “Short bread” seems to be used because it is easy to break. In Japan, There’re nutritional supplement which referred to “short bread”.

Secondly, “Pudding” was not sweet food but the food which is flavored with salt and spice and cooked by steaming. British mothers who have trouble dealing with bread crumb seemed to think it wasteful to throw it.  As a result, they came up with “pudding”. And, “pudding” is used as preserved food during sailing because it can be preserved for a year. The Britain is said to be Realist. So, they value “substantial, healthful and reasonable” on home cooking too. That’s to say, “Pudding” might be symbol of British people’s nationality.

 Thirdly, I’d like to talk about scorn. ”scorn” is born in Scotland religion. At first, it was a kind of biscuit. But, it came to approach the present form because baking powder and oven spread in the mid-nineteen century.  A name of scorn is named after “The Stone of Scone” which is placed at Scotland palace because it looks like foundation of chair which is used at ceremony of a king.  So, now, the form of scorn is baked as it is associated with the stone of scorn palace. Then, it’s said that it’s good manners that they eat scorn without using knives but cutting it with hand because the form of scorn is holy.

Surprisingly, custom that woman gives man chocolate on St. Valentine's Day was started by Cadbury company which is Britain chocolate company in nineteen century.

Finally, I’d like to talk about “Afternoon tea”.  “Afternoon tea” was social space. At the same time,it was the place where people eat a snack in order to full their stomach because theater party and opera appreciation was taken place and the time of dinner was over 21 o’clock.

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