
Sweets in Oceania.5

 Next, I will write about Tonga’s one.
The Tongan known for a thing with the big body loves eating truly, and eats a meal with much potato, pig, and oil, etc. a lot in the present age.
 In Tonga, many people eat something with breads.
When they eat ice cream, they soak bread in that.

I think that Tongans' serious happening and wonderful disposition have "it divides each other."
It divides each other's food which he has with a surrounding person.
At the time of congratulation, or a funeral, a pig is cooked the whole and it divides each other all together.
 Kava is an important ceremonial drink.
And it  is the traditional culture which gets across to Tonga for a long time.

The root of a certain kind of tree is used as after-dryness powder, in water, it rubs, it is crowded, and a stillness ingredient is extracted and made.
A color is like muddy water.
A male gathers to the meeting place of night, he sits down on a mat, becoming sitting in a circle, drinks a kava one by one, and he enjoys a long night, talking in a brain as if it was paralyzed for a while.
The meeting which drinks a kava is also ceremonial and there is a rule in how to drink.
Fundamentally, although the woman must not drink a kava, when I get a local person to take, it is recognized as a case special as a tourist and it is accepted in a ring, there may be an opportunity for a woman to also drink a kava.
Drinking a kava has much holiday before the day of a kava meeting.
Kava meeting is held on Friday traditionally.
A toilet will become near if it begins to drink a kava.
The chug of a kava is a rule.
  In Oceania, there are a lot of sweets which we had never known.
And the mass parts of them are born in New Zealand or Australia.
Because it is said that, the top of fashion in Oceania is them.
 And many of sweets in there are sweeter than Japan’s.
And they have high calories.
So we should be careful not to eat too much.
And there are a lot of cakes and snacks which are close to people’s life.
They are easy to cook or easy to buy, and easy to collect the goods and materials to make them.
 I hope traditional one lasts for generates.

Thank you for listening.

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