
Sweets in America 1

Shuji Yoshida

   1. Sweets in America1
   2. Sweets in America2
   3. Sweets in America3


There are many sweets in the world. And we decide on learning world sweet culture. Much food culture is all over the world. Why do we choice sweet? It is because sweets charmed people by every time and we think that sweet culture is important as the same to other food culture.

I investigated American sweets in this time theme. Compared with Europe or Asia, American history is very short. However, the sweets culture which was subject to many influences of Europe has influence of a multi-ethnic nation, and is various nowadays. The sweets of Halloween, the sweets of Christmas and so on are very delicious seasons in case of the present time. Since the United States is the state which immigrations of Europe built, Christianity is very prosperous in it. So a lot of sweets about the event of Christianity exist. For example, the sweets using ginger syrup are famous.

As compared with the countries in the world, the history of 200 years is very short. However, I hope I get to know more things about the sweets culture during I investigate the unique and multi-ethnic nation, and can know the new figure of the United States from this investigation.

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