
Sweets in Europe2

Sweets in Europe2

 Masashi Utsunomiya


Today, I would like to describe sweets of Europe. In this part, I introduce about sweets in France. There are many delicious sweets in France.

Firstly, financier is famous sweets in France. Financier has long history. In sixteen century, the millionaire Medici family "Catherine do Medics" was married to Henry II's of France. Escorts cook and confectionery craftsman also offer to France in that case, and it is said that the gastronomic culture of various Italy was told. Financier is also one of them. The meanings of financier are a rich man, a banker, and a financier. Financier has a form like gold. Probably, such a rich name was attached for the golden sweets which carried out the form of gold. Financier is almond powder, an egg white, and the confectionery that burned, mixed butter and sugar, was put into the model, and was burned. The burning flavor with butter and a fragrant almond is the feature.

Secondly, Madeleine is French sweets.  A Madeleine is one of the district confectioneries which have permeated Japan most. This is the sweets of the Lorraine district in France. The Lorraine district is located in western France and adjoins across the Alsace district and Vosges. There are some opinions in the origin of the name of a Madeleine. During preparation of the party, the Stanislas lectiski quarreled with the sweets craftsman, and did not make sweets in the 18th century. Therefore, a maid's "Madeleine" will make sweets hurriedly. But it was very delicious. Then, this maid's name was taken and these sweets were named the "Madeleine." One opinion is this.


Finally, I would like to talk about Gateau Basque. Gateau Basque is the baked confectionery which inserted a cherry and custard into soft type Cookie. It seems that cherry and cherry jams are put in because the Basque Provinces say that a cherry is a specialty place. The Basque Provinces are an area over northeastern southwestern from France to Spain. It was an independent state which does not belong to France and Switzerland before. The signs are attached to the surface of gateau Basque. Signs that it attaches to the surface are various. The type with popular one drew the thing which pulled the line in the shape of a lattice, and the cross of Basque is also seen.

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